Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Starting Training

Where to start? I always thought that being a 'supermom' would be amazing. Thinking back to the images in magazines with pictures of stay at home moms, featured with perfect hair, dressed in beiges, and smiling in front of a spotless living rooms ( obviously perfect and professionally decorated),and playing with her three kids on the floor with learning and brain developing toys.........sigh. I wanted to be her. She made it look so easy, so inviting, so simple. How could I ever be that person in the picture? Would my house ever look so organized? Could I maintain that lifestyle and still be happy? I knew that I wanted it. And I am not going to lie, the jaw dropping " How does she do it?" 's from the other moms would definitely be a bonus. I have the kids, I have the energy, now to start training. I am a stay at home mom, I might as well be a great one. I might as well try and go to the top for that 'Supermom' status. Let the journey begin!

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