Tuesday, 26 March 2013

1st Step: Organizing the house

1st Step in Training: Organizing the house!
Now this is something that I have always known was important, however now I understand it is absolutely necessary in order to not let our lives submit to chaos. So of course I headed down to the library in search of something that would help me along the way. I stumbled upon a book called "House Works" by Cynthia Townley Ewer of OrganizedHome.Com: Clean House, Cut Clutter and Get Organized at Home!

So far it has been a good read and the best thing about it is that I am actually already a very organized person, or have become one as a result of becoming a mom, who had no choice but to. But it has cleared some things up for me.

My husband has been labelling me as a 'hoarder' because of my love for keeping small keepsake items and items that I would rather give away than to throw in the trash. I have always argued the label but it still lingered in my mind. Hoarder. Hoarder. You know you are!

With this book, I have discovered a new label. As far as my habits go I have decided to comfortably call myself a 'Sentamentalist Perfectionist'. I need to be more selective about the memories that I am trying to keep in my home and pick the ones that are most important AND I can't stand to do a less than perfect job when organizing so it keeps me from getting the job started sometimes ( I need to have the perfect system in place).

As for holding onto the things that I just can't bear to throw in the trash, I am working on getting them to people that need them more. Handing them off to a thrift store is my next stop. I didn't say that I wasn't a procrastinator ;)

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